Messages =============== The methods available in the Messages module give you the ability to list the messages in your global or user library, and to get a messages name, category, and ID. List Messages ################# .. automethod:: QualtricsAPI.Library.messages.Messages.list_messages Example Implementation ---------------------- Here is an example on how to implement the list_messages() method, which is a method that list all the messages available to a user within a specified library. Here we call the list_messages method and pass in either a global or user library as an argument to the library parameter. :: #Setup your Credentials, if not already done. #You only have to do this once. #Import the module from QualtricsAPI.Library import Messages #Create an instance m = Messages() #Call the method m.list_messages(library="GR_ThisIsaFakeID!!") This will return a Pandas DataFrame like the one below. :: MessageID MessageDescription MessageCategory LibraryID 0 MS_ThisIsMSFakeID1 Survey-Invite invite GR_ThisIsaFakeID!! 1 MS_ThisIsMSFakeID2 Survey-Reminder invite GR_ThisIsaFakeID!! Get a Message ################# .. automethod:: QualtricsAPI.Library.messages.Messages.get_message Example Implementation ----------------------- Here is an example on how to implement the get_message() method, which is returns three pieces of information about a given message. :: #Setup your Credentials, if not already done. #You only have to do this once. #Import the module from QualtricsAPI.Library import Messages #Create an instance m = Messages() #Call the method m.get_message(library="GR_ThisIsaFakeID!!", message="MS_ThisIsMSFakeID2") Calling this method will return a tuple containing three pieces of information about the message. It contains the message ID, the Message Category (invite, reminder, etc.), and the Message Name. :: (MS_ThisIsMSFakeID2, reminder, Survey-Reminder)